For Trusted Financial Advisors’ Clients


Quarter End Preview : Brexit and You?

Greetings, and here’s hoping you saw a great fireworks show on July 4th!

After a constructive quarter for our clients, it appeared all would be undone as we neared quarter-end and voters in the U.K. made the historic decision to back out of the European Union. Notables such as former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, former Treasury […]

Quarterly Report to Clients – June 2015

“Watching paint dry” would be an appropriate title to bestow on the first half of 2015 for our client portfolios, especially in light of our holdings in the coatings industry: Both Sherwin Williams and PPG Corporation (Glidden paints) finished June at almost exactly the same levels as they did in December 20141. The companies’ share […]

Quarter End Report – March 31, 2015

Following the explosive upward action in equities that capped off a healthy 2014 for long positioned investors, the first quarter was burdened by three albatrosses. A large portion of the country, particularly the Northeast was socked by repeated snowstorms and extreme winter weather that kept shoppers at home and construction activity frozen. On the West […]

2014 Year-End Report to Clients

Here is a short video with my 2014 Year-End Report to you, my Valued Client. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Quarter End Report to Clients June 30, 2014

This was one of the best quarters and is one of the best half-years for our Balanced-Value style of investing that I can recall in our 13+ year history. Most client accounts will see a half year cash flow adjusted increase in the range of 7% to 10%, topping the performance broad stock and bond indices. Our superior performance was driven by a relatively heavy weighting to the energy industry which had been under market suspicion until things began to unravel in Iraq in June. An ocean of new oil is being produced in North America with more to come, and as with natural gas, there is worry that oil prices may become depressed for a time by surplus.

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